Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Respect, integrity, courage, compassion and hope

Parent Survey - results

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to our parent surveys. They really do help our school change and grow.

Parent survey on Home Learning May 2024

Thank you to the 39 families who completed the survey on home learning. We are now in a better place to understand your views on this important subject and are able to review our home learning policy. Should you wish to contribute further to this discussion, please feel free to contact me. 

Home learning May 2024

 2024 April Child survey on learning.docDownload
 2024 May Home learning.pdfDownload
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Parent survey on Anti Bullying February 2024

Thank you to all the families who completed the anti-bullying survey and those who sent me an email directly. With your views and comments, we really can improve our practice. For full results of the survey, please see the link below. or get in touch if you'd like more details. 

Anti bullying February 2024

 February 2024 Bullying Survey Parents.pdfDownload
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Parent survey on School Development Plan July 2023 

Thank you to the 25 families from across the school who completed the survey. The great news is that 92% replied that your child is happy here and everyone who completed the survey stated they would recommend our lovely school to families and friends!

Please do get in touch if you'd like more information or would like to discuss a reply in person. For full results of the survey, please see below. 

 July 2023 Parent SDP feedback for website.docxDownload
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Sports Day July 2023 Feedback 

Following Sports Day we asked the children for feedback - this is what they said:

Parent Survey - Collective Worship and RE Lessons
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John, 10:10
Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Courage, Hope

When asked, ‘What do you think makes Checkendon a distinctly Christian school?’ Some common answers were: the core values of the school; the connection with the village and church; daily prayer and weekly worship; Wednesday worship with Rev’d Kevin and the kindness woven throughout the school. 39% parents said yes, they chose Checkendon because it was a Church school

When sharing views on the school vision many people like it and said that is represents the caring nature of the school. However, some felt the bible quote was not required. 83% of respondents feel that the values give children and adults an understanding of how to act in a Christian way towards each other.

83% also value gathering for a daily act of worship because (some responses) the children enjoy the ritual of gathering as part of a whole school; the community it creates; it feels like a big family and it gives time for reflection

94% of parents feel one special service per term for parents to attend is adequate and over half felt 9am is the best time, followed by straight after the school day with 35%

There were mixed replies regarding our RE lesson, some parents felt it was good for our children to learn about other religions, as it helps them understand the wider community, history, culture and politics; work out their own morals and understand those of others. It was acknowledged that there isn’t a lot of diversity within Checkendon and it was felt important to discuss this at school. It was commented on that although it is nice to learn about other cultures, a lot of time is spent on ‘other’ religions and not enough on ours. Many people identify that RE lessons help the children learn respect for others and an appreciation of knowing there are other ways of thinking about things.

77% of parents report that their children go home and discuss what they have learned in their RE lesson.

School responses

Thank you for taking the time to respond, your views are very important to us. As a Church school, we have to have a bible quote that is linked to our vision. We held a vision evening with parents and members of the school community in May 2022 to write the school’s vision.

In our teaching of RE, we adhere to the Church of England entitlement for Church Schools, Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus and ensure learning about Christianity takes up most of the religious education programme.

For further information, please read:

Capturing Child Voice on Collective Worship and RE Lessons
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” John, 10:10
Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Courage, Hope

What do you think makes our school a Christian school?
We are a church school
We have our values
We pray to God and we have quiet reflection
We do worship every day
Sometimes we go to church
Can you tell me about our school vision and what it means?
Live, love and learn – tells us that everyone wants to live happily, love each other and learn properly
It shows that we have to live with each other, learn about other people and love them
What are our values and how do they help us?
Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Courage, Hope
We give out values awards
We learn about how they look like in our lives
They help us remember to share with other
That god is always here to support us – like with hope
I think values help us to learn that god is always by our sides, giving us strength and courage
In our worship we talk about our values
In our classes we talk about our values and what it looks like
Why do we light a candle at the start of worship?
To show god is the candle and he is there
To show that god is the light of the world
It helps to calm me down and focus
When it starts it means there is a bit of light
Does worship give you a chance to think about things in your own life?
Yes, I think about the values and how to do them better,
Being kind to others
Being thoughtful
We read stories from the bible and some from other religions and some from real life
What do you think about RE lessons and which ones have you enjoyed the most?
I like learning about RE because if I meet people from other religions I will know more about them and makes me feel more close to them
We learn about different religions and that helps us to know more about god
I learn about being kinder to others
Can we improve on being a Christian School?
We are doing quite well.
I can’t think of anything
We might be able to do more visits to churches
Year 3 and 4, October 2022

Communication Survey

July 2022

Respondents 23

Thank you for completing the survey to share your views on our communication. It is important they we understand your views and improve our communication accordingly

90% use their mobile phone to access our newsletter weekly

The majority of people look find the news and class photos most interesting, followed by PTA and dates for the diary - from those who responded to further improve we need to give more notice for events

70% regularly read the newsletter

73% felt the right amount of information was shared

Previously, equal amounts of people followed us on Instagram and Twitter. Now Instagram has more followers - we will continue to post on both social media sites

90% regularly look at our website. From those who responded the main point of development would be to improve our calendar and next year's dates.

We are very grateful for your feedback and have already taken steps to address this - you will now find a calendar on the home page - on here we will share our dates for the year. A calendar will also be copied onto every newsletter. Please let us know if you feel this has made a positive difference to you and your family. 

September 2021

Respondents: 14

Thank you for completing the online survey to share your views on our communication. It is important that we get our communication with you correct. Learning your views is vital to this.


Results from the survey:

  • Most respondents use either a mobile device or laptop
  • Most people would like our newsletter weekly, although half of respondents had not read it for a couple of weeks
  • Everyone felt the amount of information shared was currently 'just right'
  • Half our respondents follow the school on Twitter, the other half follow Instagram - so we will continue to post on both social media site

October 2021

Respondents: 44

Thank you for completing the online survey to share your views on our school uniform. I am thrilled so many of you replied. Uniform is an important part of a school’s identity. It reinforces who we are as a community and helps allow students to feel pride in their school. It also helps prepare students for life after primary school where they may be expected to wear formal attire.


Results from the survey:

  • 60% of respondents agreed a formal school uniform should be worn, particularly as the children will not be doing active PE daily
  • 95% of parents reported there was a good variety on offer and 95% felt it was value for money, although the opportunity to purchase second hand uniform was popular
  • We also received 82% agreement in wearing indoor shoes, a point the staff also welcome.

November 2021

Respondents: 28

hank you for completing the online survey to share your views on our After School Clubs and Wrap Around Care. It is clearly a subject that is important to you. It is only with feedback that we can review our offer to you and make improvements.

Results from the survey:

  • The majority of respondents had children in reception and year 5
  • Over half of respondents wanted clubs that lasted from 3.20 to 4.30
  • £5 was about the amount people wanted to pay for this sort of club
  • A huge variety of clubs was requested with arts/crafts and sports being voted top
  • In summary: 80% of respondents wanted a better variety of clubs that would last about an hour after school, they were prepared to pay £5 for this as an enjoyable pass time for their child, rather than a child care need

We recognise this doesn't meet everyone's needs, but thank you for the time you have taken in completing the survey. We will now work on finding a greater variety of clubs to offer you in the new year.