Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Respect, integrity, courage, compassion and hope

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 6 week 8 2024

We've done it! School is out for the summer. A huge well done to both of our Year 5 and 6 children for their hard work, focus and team work this academic year. They have done us proud. To our Year 6s we say all the very best for Langtree and their start to secondary school, and to our Year 5s we send you our very best for your new start in Y6, your final year, September 2024. Please see photographs below of our Y6s Water Day. 

Best wishes, Mrs Mottram, Mrs Adamson and Mrs Walker. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 6 week 7 2024

Thank you so much to all our parents for their support with costume making, line rehearsing and song singing - in preparing your child for the annual KS2 production this year: Aladdin Trouble. See photographs below. This week we also had our Y5/6 body changes talk and our Y6 relationships talk. Please do follow-up with your child, so that they can ask you further questions. The Y6s had their Y6 Leavers' Service in church on Wednesday and each received the end of KS2 Bible - thank you for attending. On Friday the Y6s went to Eycot Centre to have their Leavers' Water Day. Please look out for photographs next week. Next week: Year 6s may bring in a school shirt for signing on Monday and Tuesday - this must not be the shirt they are wearing as part of the day's school uniform. We break up on Tuesday at 1pm. End of term collective worship is on Tuesday 23rd in the hall at 9am - all parents welcome. The Y6s will present their memories of their time at primary school, as well as the summer class, writing and sport cup. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 6 week 6 2024

Lots of production rehearsals of Aladdin Trouble this week. We are so excited to share our production with you next week. In maths we completed our unit on position and direction and began a new, short unit and shape and space. In English we looked at debates and worked as teams to plan and practise a debate about Toady being given a 20 year prison sentence for speeding and driving recklessly. In geography we continued to look at our rivers and coasts learning project. In PE we completed our final lesson on circuit training, with everyone improving the number of reps they were able to do on several of the exercise tasks we had been set. Next week: dress rehearsal to the school and local community on Monday 15th at 1:30pm. On Tuesday 16th at 1:30pm, we have our first full performance to parents and family (max of 4 guests per child please). We may run a little later than 3:20 for parents collecting. On Wednesday we have our Year 6 Leavers' Service in church at 2:30pm, we hope to see as many of our Year 6 parents as possible. On Wednesday evening, Aladdin, Jasmine, Abanazar, Genie, the King and Widow Twankey need to be at school at 5pm for make-up, with the rest of the cast arriving between 5:20-5:30pm please. Refreshments will be on sale before and during intermission for both performances. Our final performance starts at 6pm sharp and we aim to be done by 7:45pm.  Again, no more than four guests per child may attend. As the hall can only seat 80 with the stage out - please don't offer any spaces you may have to other families - thank you for your understanding. Also no prams are allowed in the hall and children / babies making a noise should please be taken out.  On Friday all the Year 6s are to be dropped off at 9:15am and collected at 2:30pm from Eycot Canoeing Centre, Henley. If another adult is collecting your child, you must have completed this on the information form and returned this to school by Wednesday 17th. 

Pupil Voice: I enjoyed PC Mike Dix's talk to us about social media and behaviours. 

I am excited to do the play next week. 

I really enjoyed NewsRound this week.

I am glad that we got our SATs results. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 6 week 5 2024

What a lovely week we've had with lots of rehearsal. The highlight of our week was of course our 2024 Sports Day! Great fun was had by all - see photos below. We have had a few lessons and are continuing with position and direction in maths and Wind in the Willows in English. Our Y6s had their big day at Langtree - which they all seemed to have really enjoyed and our Y5s enjoyed their step-up morning with the current Y4s. Next week:  We are hoping to get our Y6 SATs results back on 11th, but this will need some time to be checked. Once we are happy, an envelope will come home with a printed sheet in with results. Generally these will only say pass / not pass, so do look out for the annual report for greater detail. If we are appealing any of the results, this will delay the data being shared for a day or two. On Friday we welcome PC Mike Dix to speak to Silver Birch about transition to secondary and behaviour expectations. This will form part of our current Y6s transition to secondary, but it is also really important for our current Y5s, who will be our school role-models from September. In addition to this - it is also important for Silver Birch children, as they spend more time outdoors and in local areas over the summer and will hopefully know how to deal with various behaviours they may encounter. 

Pupil Voice:  I am excited to do our final rehearsals for our production next week. 

I really enjoyed Sports Day.

I enjoyed continuing our PE lesson on circuit training. 

I enjoyed beating the teachers in the Y6 vs. staff egg and spoon race this year. 

I enjoyed my day at Langtree. 

I liked our step-up morning, getting ready to be in Y6. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 6 week 4:

What a hot week it has been with beautiful sunshine. This week we have looked at reflection of shape in maths including on the X, Y and diagonal lines. In English we have enjoyed imagining the dark, deep forest in Wind in the Willows, drawing out a map of the forest and using similes to describe and compare it. We have also had excellent discussions about philosophical questions. We have continued with our play rehearsals and we still have a very long way to go, so please do learn your lines, gather those props that you have said you could bring in and learn the songs at home. PE saw the return of James, the GCSE student for his final lesson with us. Please do bring in larger pieces of cardboard for our production props. The Year 6s, Mrs Mottram & Mrs Adamson, were delighted to receive their Leavers' Hoodies - a big thank you to all the mums and dads for them! Next week we have the Y6s visiting Langtree for the day on Tuesday 2nd, with our Y5s enjoying a step-up morning with their new class mates (Y4s). Wednesday 3rd is our sports day (afternoon), weather permitting. 

Pupil voice: I am excited about the production.

I enjoyed doing dodge ball and volcanoes / ice creams in PE. 

I am enjoying the warmer weather. 

I am happy that we've got our leavers' hoodies. 

Silver Birch  Class Blog Term 6 week 3:

We ended our week with a PE lesson from James (ex Checkendon pupil), a local GCSE student completing his practical element to PE. We loved all the activities - see photos below, and are looking forward to next Friday, when he visits us for the final time. In English we enjoyed some character hot seating, taking questions as Toady, Rat and Mole. In maths we completed our unit on conversion of measures and began position and direction today. Our first lesson was on the 1st quadrant, identifying coordinates, drawing and plotting coordinates with regular and irregular 3-6 vertex shapes. In Judo we completed our gradings this week and our final lesson of the term will be in week 4.   Next week: we look forward to another PE lesson with James. We also continue with our production rehearsals. A reminder that labelled costumes are due in on Monday 9th July. Up to four family members may watch each of the production performances i.e. Tuesday 16th 1:30pm and Wednesday 17th 6pm.  Please do look out for letters coming home about the Year 6 leavers' water day on Friday 19th July, as well as the Y5/6 changes and Y6 only, relationships talk on Thursday 18th July. Finally, don't forget to order your class photograph for 2024. 

Pupil voice: I enjoyed my Judo grading and received my orange belt. 

I enjoyed James coming to help do PE. 

I enjoyed doing hot-seating in English. 

I learnt new TAG and bull dog games in PE.

I have enjoyed practising for the production. 

I have enjoyed ZY coming in for the day, while Langtree has an INSET day. 

I am enjoying doing Wind in the Willows in English. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 6 week 2:

What a busy week. Thank you to all who auditioned for our annual production: Aladdin Trouble - the parts have been cast and the children now know their roles, have their scripts and will begin rehearsals every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon to start with. Tuesdays will also include a singing rehearsal with Mrs Davies and Thursdays a chance to help make a prop (DT) with Ms Penney and Mrs Pullan. Please learn your lines ASAP. In English we began our text: Wind in the Willows and have been introduced to mole, ratty, otter and Mr Toad in chapter one. In maths we have continued with measures including imperial capacity with pints and gallons, as well as length with inches and feet. We began our geography learning project, while waiting for our science beans to continue to grow, looking at the major rivers of the world and the UK, as part of our study on rivers and coasts. Next week we will go back to science and complete our first learning project with our investigation observations and measurements of our beans, followed by assessment. We enjoyed an archery session this week too as part of our summer of sports celebrations. Next week we begin our singing and play rehearsals. We have a visit from a tennis player, Tim Henman on Monday to share his sport in worship. On Friday, Silver Birch will enjoy a PE lesson by a GCSE student, as part of their practical element, as well as some past pupils (now at Langtree) supporting in classes while their teachers have an INSET day on Friday. 

Pupil voice: I like doing Wind in the Willows in English. 

I am very pleased with my role in the production.

I enjoyed having Mark over to do some archery with us.

I am looking forward to practising the play.

I am enjoying watching our 'Jack's beans' grow this term, one has no coat on, the other does, whilst the 3rd bean has been cut in half. 


Term 6 2024 important diary dates:

INSET day Monday 3rd June 2024.

Pupils return Tuesday 4th June.

Tuesday 4th June Mental Health and Well-Being lesson

Class writing focus for end of year levels week 1 & 2.

Summer of Sports archery lesson on Tuesday 11th.

Production rehearsals begin week 3. 

Year 6 Langtree Taster Day Tuesday 2nd July 2024. 

Class step-up day Tuesday 2th July morning only.

Sports day Wednesday 3rd July TBC (afternoon likely).

Monday 8.7.24. all production costumes named and in school

Wednesday 10th July back up sports day.

Friday 12th July 1:10pm PC Mike Dix to speak to the class about behaviour (Y6-7 transition event)

Monday 15th July summer reports to parents.

Monday 15th July Annual KS2 production to school and local community.

Tuesday 16th July production performance to parents 1:30pm.

Wednesday 17th July 2:30pm Y6 Leavers Service - church.

Wednesday 17th July production performance to parents 6pm.

Thursday 18th Y5/6 Changes talk and then Y6 only Relationships talk in class

Friday 19th July - Year 6 Leavers Water Day Henley.

Tuesday 23rd Y6 leavers celebration worship - open to all families 9am in the hall. TBC

Tuesday 23rd term ends at 1pm. 

Wednesday 24th INSET day. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 6 Week 1:

This week the children had a fantastic morning learning about resilience for Year 5s and resilience and transition to secondary school for Year 6s. See photos below. Mrs Adamson said, "Silver Birch's behaviour was exemplary during the Resilience Rucksack Fair, they were focussed and respectful." Well done! We also continued with our science / English learning project: What came first - the chicken or the egg? In guided reading we continued with Elephant in the Garden. In maths we began units of measure and how to convert them (mass, volume and length) looking at metric and imperial units of measure.  Mrs Belcher spent an hour with all our Y6s going to Langtree and remarked on how wonderful they all were!  We also had our class photograph taken - so do look out for this. This coming weekend is the Check Fest - a PTA music festival fund raiser.  Next week: We have an Olympian archer coming to talk to the children and hold short workshops with them in small groups (Tuesday). 

Pupil Voice: I loved the Resilience Fair.

I enjoyed learning about the parts of the flower and the life cycle. 

I enjoyed starting our unit of measurement in maths.

I am excited to start Wind in the Willows in English next week. 

I am excited to audition for the production. 

I am excited to start a new unit in PE: Circuit Training. 

Silver Birch Term 5 week 6 class blog:

Out final week of Term 5 - phew! What a busy term we have had. We ended with a lovely, but delayed May Pole dance on Thursday - see photos below. We completed our learning project on rain forests with a Big Write assessment - balanced argument about deforestation. The children worked really hard on this after a long term of revision and assessments. However we did vote for our end of KS2 production and Aladdin Trouble won by a mile. The children have their audition lines to learn over half term with auditions starting in week 1 and part of week 2 next term. Also see photos of our art critics from our Quentin Blake learning project! In PE we finished our cricket unit with a whole-class game. Today, we also held our bi-annual poetry (oracy) event - what a fantastic effort made by all of our children. Next:  Monday is an INSET day, but we welcome children back on Tuesday 4th June for our final Term 6. Our focus will be writing and then the production. 

Pupil voice: I loved dancing the May Pole. 

I enjoyed the poetry competition, even though I was a bit nervous. 

I enjoyed our cricket game. 

I have finished my Big Write on a balanced argument. 

I looked forward to finding out what our production was going to be. 

We are all looking forward to half term. 

Silver Birch Term 5 week 5 class blog:

A huge well done to our Year 6s for completing their end of KS2 SATs exams this week, and to the Year 5s who completed their summer assessments in maths, GPS and reading. We are now focusing on our writing, as well as going on to areas in maths that we haven't covered i.e. shape, space, converting etc. Our big focus this week was our art learning project, looking at Quentin Blake and his illustrations for Roald Dahl's books, as well as a few of his own. The children enjoyed a master class with Mrs Lovegrove and produced some amazing illustrations in his style. This is what she had to say:  We did some figure drawing practise, quick pen sketches of me as a model and then we looked at how QB does his facial features and I let them practise with the dip  pens trying out different eyes, noses and mouths and then putting them together to create different faces. I then got them to try and turn these into figures They did some of this in sketchbooks. They then worked on their illustrations in pencil before inking over them. The ink had to dry properly, so they just experimented with applying the paint loosely over some of their earlier sketches .The children have completed their ink and pen illustrations to suit 'a moment' in their Cinderella poems, ready for water colouring painting tomorrow. Most have had  a practise with the paints but they need to do their actual pieces. The masking tape was to help them with the vignette and to neaten the edges if they do wash backgrounds. They need to peel it off carefully and start peeling with an end that is on top of tape, not the paper, as it can sometimes take the paper surface off too!  I have demonstrated how to use the paint loosely etc and left my self portrait in your room for them to remember! You need to keep the paint very translucent!  Next week: We have our Pentecost church service, all welcome, at 1:30pm on Wednesday 22nd, followed by May Pole dancing on the green and then country dancing on the playground. On Friday we have our end of term open celebration worship at 9am in the hall - all welcome. Then we have our bi-annual poetry competition on Friday 24th and break up at 3:20pm. Pupils return on Tuesday 4th June at 8:40am. 

Pupil voice: I am excited to do the May Pole dance.

I enjoyed doing illustrations in the style of Quentin Blake. 

I really enjoyed doing assessments.

SATs is over and we are stronger for it!

Silver Birch Term 5 week 4 class blog:

Some of our children enjoyed a Quad Kids tournament on Thursday afternoon - see photos below. We have enjoyed our geography learning project on rainforests. Last week we looked at biomes, vegetation belts and climate zones. This week we looked at 4 and 6 grid reference points to find precise locations on a map such as a topographical or ordinance survey map. We also began looking at the Amazon Rainforest - the largest forest that grows in the tropical basin of the Amazon River. We have already looked at tropical and temperate rainforests - mentioning our rainforest in Scotland. In maths we have reviewed our learning and given ourselves up to 3 next steps for revision before our Y6 SATs and Y5 summer assessments next week (in the back of Willow Classroom). We did the same with reading and GPS. The children now have a range of CEW to revise from this term, for next week too. We continued with our poetry (Roald Dahl style), looking a fractured fairy tales and planned to write a poem in this humorous style based on the fairy tale: Cinderella. Next week: There will be no home learning for the year 5s bar reading, revising spellings and sharpening their mental arithmetic skills. Year 6s will revise the night before or the early morning of each exam, based on their 3 targets / next steps set from this week's mock exams. This should ensure a short, sharp revision period and plenty of time to sleep and relax each evening. 

Year 6 SATs exams - please try to be in school at 8:40am having had a good night's sleep; a healthy breakfast; and having revised for the exam(s) of the day.

Monday 13th GPS

Tuesday 14th Reading comprehension

Wednesday 15th Maths paper 1 and 2

Thursday 16th Maths paper 3

Silver Birch Term 5 week 3 class blog:

This week we have learnt how to buy and sell ice creams in Italian! In maths and English we have continued with our revision. In our learning project - we have planned and written a comparative text between Spain and Canada, comparing their geographical and human features. This was then used as part of our writing assessment this term. We did really well! We began our next learning project: Rainforests - a geography subject. We will also continue with our English - looking at poetry by Roald Dahl. In PE we began our May Pole dancing unit. 

Next week: Some pupils will go to a Quad Kids tournament at Langtree. We will continue to learn our poems for the poetry competition on 24th. Monday 6th is a Bank Holiday. 

Pupil Voice: I am excited to learn how to May Pole dance. 

We have a leak in our classroom ceiling. 

I am a little apprehensive for our Y6 mock SATs next week.

I am excited to perform my poem on the 24th. 

I enjoyed learning the names of ice creams and pretending to be in an Italian ice cream shop.

I enjoyed doing our geography big write this week. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 5 week 2:

We continue steaming ahead learning about the geographical and human features of Spain and now begin with Canada - such interesting counties to explore. In PSHE we continued with understanding that our bodies are unique and that there is no perfect body image as the media might show. We have looked at differences and similarities, including disabilities. It has been so encouraging seeing children doing better and better as the weeks go on, embedding their learning. The children also enjoyed interhouse Boccia games this week over a lunchbreak. Today was our annual bluebell walk - do see the photographs below. Thank you to all of you who were able to join us. Next week: we continue exploring Canada!

Pupil Voice: I am enjoying the tests so far. 

I enjoyed the bluebell walk.

Boccia was fun - we don't know which house won yet...

The first week back of judo was fun. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 5 week 1:

Welcome back to the first of our two short summer terms. We are full steam ahead with revision and exam techniques this term as part of English (reading comprehension & GPS) and maths. We have also been listening to the children read on a 1:1 and are checking their book bands, R4P books, as well as the choices the free readers are making. Our learning project is: A comparative study of the UK, Canada and Spain (geography). We will be having the odd traditional English over this period and our first English unit is : Roald Dahl narrative poetry, which we began today by reading Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf - what a humorous poem! Next week: we have our annual bluebell walk on Friday 26th with a prompt start of 1:30pm, should any parents wish to join us. Please do ensure that your child has walking boots / wellies and a raincoat for the weather. We will also aim to return to guided reading with : Elephant in the Garden

We have had no Internet over the last few days and so are unable to provide the pupil voice this week. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 4 Week 6:

The end of the spring terms has arrived. It is wonderful to hear the birds chirping in the mornings. We have had a busy final week completing our 'Policing the Net' learning project about how to stay safe online. We have also enjoyed doing some algebra in maths. In English we planned and wrote the start to a new sequel chapter to Kensuke's Kingdom for a narrative assessment. We enjoyed a fabulous workshop from two ladies as part of our PSHE - IMPS - looking at basic first aid and safety - see our photos below. We enjoyed our Easter church service on Wednesday too, but especially our early finish on Thursday. Year 5s have some Easter Activity booklets (optional) to complete during their holidays, while the Year 6s have 10-4-10 GPS, Reading and Maths revision. Don't forget about additional SATs resources that are available on our class information page (scroll to the bottom). We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 15th at 8:40am.


Silver Birch Term 4 week 5 class blog:

A lovely week finishing off our learning project on electricity and beginning our final learning project on IT: Policing the net. We are learning about being safer online. In maths we have worked on fraction - decimal - percentage. In English we focused on grammar, learning through our class text: Kensuke's Kingdom. On Friday we enjoyed a special visit from our writer's week scientist - Mark - who came in and did a workshop on water, as this week is saving water week. Our Year 6s and a parent, came in on Thursday for the SATs information meeting - see our class information page for the PPT.  Next week: a few lessons in maths on algebra. On Wednesday we have our IMPS (first aid) morning in class. We break up on Thursday at 1pm. We look forward to welcoming children back on Monday 15th April at 8:40am. Year 5s have a brief Easter revision / fun activity booklet(s) to complete, while our Year 6s have 10 days of 10 minutes on GPS, reading and maths (total time 30 minutes per day), in preparation for their end of KS2 exams in May. 

Pupil Voice: 

I now know more about water

I know more words in Italian

I enjoyed starting algebra

I am excited for the Big Write

I enjoyed doing the water day with Mark.


Silver Birch Term 4 week 4 class blog:

Another busy week - we have now completed our assessments for the spring terms. We then continued with decimals in maths - beginning to look at %. In English we continued with Kensuke's Kingdom. On Tuesday afternoon, we enjoyed a visit to the Oratory senior school to take part in a science workshop - see photos below. In PE we plan to start our first cricket session, looking at under / over arm ball bowls and accuracy using a bucket and then the stumps.   Next week: On Thursday 21st at 3pm there is a Year 6 pupil and parent SATs briefing in Silver Birch. The Year 5s will be dismissed at 3:20pm as usual. On Friday 22nd the Year 6s have their weights and measures by the nursing team at OCC. Friday 22nd is also the last celebration worship at 9am for families to attend, where the spring term class and sports cups are handed out. We look forward to welcoming you there. 

Pupil voice:

I am glad that the spring term assessments are over. 

I am excited to start % in maths next week.

I enjoyed our test week.

I am excited to start cricket in PE.

I am enjoying wearing our red noses today. 

Our World Book Day 2024

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 4 week 3

What a fabulous whole-school writing week. We began the week with looking at the father of electricity - Michael Faraday in English. We identified the key features of a  biography, carried out research and make notes. We then wrote a 1st draft, edited it and wrote a final, 2nd draft to use for assessment as well as placing it up on display in the school hall. On Wednesday we began our explanation texts in English - again identifying the key features by looking at explanation texts. We considered our prior learning of instruction writing further down the school and how this can be turned into explanation texts. We completed a class experiment on the balloon kebab - how rubber / elastic can slow down air evaporation / reduction in air pressure by resealing itself. We then looked at water density and carried out submarine experiments. We loved our science workshops on Wednesday with Sparky (Mark) and used three of his experiments (water vortex, slime - chemical bonding and chemical reaction and air pressure to launch rockets ). We concluded the week by selecting one of the 5 experiments to independently write our own explanation texts - on display too. We think you'll be blown away by our writing.  A huge thank you to our wonderful PTA, who have funded the Sublime Science workshops for each class. We enjoyed dressing up as a scientist or favourite character and recommending a book to others in our class on Thursday, as part of our World Book Day celebrations this year. We also looked at famous black authors and solved some clues to work out some famous classic books. In maths we continued with decimal numbers and compared them to fractions. Next week: is our assessment week for reading comprehension, GPS and maths. How quickly the spring term is moving. along 

Pupil Voice: 

Now I feel a little more confident in writing in biography writing.

I have enjoyed writing week and it has helped me with my writing and learning to do my challenges.

I found it quite fun as science isn’t something I’d expect to be as fun, but the teachers and Spark made it extra fun.

I loved it when Spark came in and taught us all about science.

I liked how fun it was doing all the experiments.

I am happy that my writing has got neater this week. 

Silver Birch Term 4 week 2 blog:

Back in the swing of things but it is rather wet-wet-wet! On Tuesday we had a very nice surprise - a cup of hot chocolate, as our school heating isn't working. A busy week looking at the character of Michael and his dog Stella and Kensuke, in Kensuke's Kingdom through English. We wrote and collaboratively presented poems about the sea, completed lots of grammar work and wrote a letter of advice to Michael. In Maths we completed our fraction work with multiplying and dividing fractions and began our unit on decimals and %. In science we completed our science learning project on light - ready to begin electricity next week. In MFL, we learnt to count to 10 in Italian. Next week: we have our whole school writing week from Monday 4th to Friday 8th. Parents and family members are warmly invited to the school hall on Friday 8th at 3:20pm to see the writing display, where each child will have 2 pieces of writing on show. We look forward to seeing you there. The display will remain up for a few weeks for those of you who are unable to make it. Next week we also have a Y5/6 netball tournament at Langtree (Wednesday) 1-3:30pm. Thursday is our World Book Day, so please do come dressed as your favourite scientist (or book character) and bring along a book you'd recommend to others to read. 

Pupil Voice:

I can now understand and answer questions up to 2 decimal places. 

I enjoyed learning how to play volleyball.

So far, I've enjoyed our new maths unit on decimals. 

I am excited for the writing week next week. 

In Italian, I enjoyed count to ten. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 4 week 1

Welcome back to Term 4, the 2nd of our spring terms. We launched this term with a science learning project on light. We discussed light, rainbows and prisms. The children then created periscopes and reflected light off angles.  In maths we continued with fractions (adding and subtracting) and began multiplying a fraction by a whole number. In English we began Kensuke's Kingdom - a text based unit. We planned and wrote a 2 verse poem on a storm at sea and then presented them to the class using our S&L skills. In PE we continued with judo and are due to start cricket - weather dependant. As the field was so boggy, we planned and played a game of volleyball this week. In our MFL, Italian class we learnt how to hold a short conversation. See our photos of our final week's gymnastics using the low, high and climbing wall bars. Also below are the photos from our Viking Workshop. Next week: please remember to bring £8 to buy your new coloured judo belt if you would like to own one. 

Pupil voice:

I now understand how a periscope works. 

I enjoyed the Viking workshop last term.

I excited to play volleyball (due to the wet ground). 

I enjoyed doing our grading in judo. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 3 week 5

What a short term - just five weeks! This week we completed our learning project: Who needs a surname? - based on the Scots, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and the arrival of the Normans. We had a fabulous Viking Workshop all day on Wednesday - see photographs below. Thank you Viking Peter. We continued with  fractions in maths - this will continue into Term 4. In English we finished our Beowulf text and continued to write through our history learning project -  writing a comparison text of the Anglo-Saxons lives and ours today; creating a timeline of Alfred the Great; and writing a letter to William of Normandy, as a spy investigating Edward the Confessor, king of the English, before the 1066 invasion. We enjoyed being spies! In PE we used the wall bars, low and high apparatus, to complete our gymnastics unit. See photographs next term. Next term: we welcome back children on Monday 19th at 8:40am.  We begin with a learning project about Light (revision and new learning), followed by Electricity (revision and new learning) and finally Internet Safety. In English we will be using the text: Kensuke's Kingdom. In PE we begin cricket. 

Pupil Voice: 

I enjoyed our fraction unit in maths.

I enjoyed being a Viking / French spy. 

I am looking forward to using the wall bars in gymnastics. 

I am enjoying learning Italian. 

I loved having the Viking in class this week.

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 3 week 4

This week we have planned a short sequel story, completed our first draft, edited it and then today, completed our final draft for assessment. Our stories are wonderful! In maths this week we have been learning about, proper fractions, equivalent fractions, simplification of fractions, improper fractions and mixed number fractions. Today we began order fractions from smallest to largest, placing fractions on a number line, as well as sequencing fractions. In our learning project we learnt more about the way the Anglo-Saxons lived in settlements. On average a settlement had 15 long houses. We also learnt where their 7 kingdoms were located. We also looked at secondary sources (photographs) of items found at Sutton Hoo. Although our science learning project has been completed, we are still observing the 'rust' on our two nails, one in water and the other in salty water. In Guided Reading, we have continued with Friend or Foe and have been deducing and inferring from the text. In Italian we discussed the television show called Bluey and Muzzy.  In PE we used mats, lower and high apparatus to create routines and also looked at jumps on apparatus. Next week we will get the climbing frame out and include this in our routines. We are also looking forward to our Viking Workshop on the 7th. Don't forget that we break up at 3:20 on Friday the 9th. We welcome children back on Monday the 19th at 8:40am. 

Pupil Voice:

I am looking forward to using high apparatus in gymnastics. 

I enjoyed doing our first draft and our big write in the Beowulf sequel. 

I enjoyed learning about fractions this week. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 3 week 3

We have now completed our science learning project on states of matter, including our assessment. We have begun: Who needs a surname? Our history project looking at the Scots, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and the Norman invasion (briefly). In maths we have finished off with capacity / volume of 3D shapes (A= LxWXH). In English we completed our newspaper articles with a Big Write for assessment (see our focused photographs). It was based on what we thought happened in the epic battle between Beowulf and Grendel. We have now begun The Sea-Hag, the sequel and are looking at the key events in the story, the character's points of view and then used a WAGOLL to identify excellent words and phrases. We then broke the story down into key events / mapped it out. This will then lead into narrative writing. Thank you for the Viking Workshop return letters. It was good to see you at our parents meetings this week. Next: We begin fractions in maths - a very important unit of our maths learning across the year. Year 6s should consider completing a task or two a week from the class information page - Year 6s SATs resources from January onwards. They should just select an area that they would like to work on. 

Pupil Voice: I now know the formula to calculate the volume of a 3D shape. 

I am excited to learn about fractions. 

I enjoyed writing, drawing and colouring our character perspective story boards. 

It was fun learning Italian this week. 

I enjoyed gymnastics (floor and low apparatus) .

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 3 week 2

What a fabulous week. In English we wrote a character description and a setting of our choosing from the story. We then began looking at newspaper key features and planning a newspaper article on our version of the battle between Grendel and Beowulf, and how we would report, the battle ended. Next week we will write this report. In Maths we continued with our learning on finding the area of triangles (A= 1/2 b x h). In Science we continued with our experiments looking at how to speed up the rate of evaporation using various dish drying fabrics. We agreed that the 'tumble dryer' worked best. We then looked at how changing the state affected the mass by weighing an empty balloon vs a fully blown up balloon - discovering that gas has a mass. We then weighted ice cubes and let them melt and compared the mass, discovering that water is more dense (heavy). Finally we weighed a tea-light and them burnt it and weighed again, discovering that a little mass had been lost due to evaporation. We considered if each was a reversible or irreversible change. In PSHE, we continued with our Think Positive and in PE our gymnastics moving from balances to rolls on a mat. Please look out for the Year 6 SATs revision resources and meeting date letter. Also for Year 6s on the class information page - there are some resources to help with SATs revision if you would like to make a start.  Next week: please complete and return the Viking Workshop permission and payment. We will finish our science learning project and begin our history one. 

Pupil voice: I enjoyed doing the science experiment with the balloon, ice cubes and candle. 

I enjoyed doing our gymnastics with some crazy moves.

I enjoyed and surprised by learning that ice is less dense (lighter), than water. 

I can now explain the water cycle, including kinetic energy!

I now know the formula to find out the area of a triangle. 

I enjoyed planning our newspaper report. 

I have enjoyed the story of Beowulf. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 3 week 1

Welcome back everyone! We certainly seem to have missed school and are enjoying being back together. In English we have begun our text: Beowulf - based on the Anglo-Saxon poem about a monster, with Beowulf the hero saving the day from the foul fiend, Grendel. In Maths we have begun our unit on area and perimeter - starting with area of composite / compound shapes using the formula A = L x W. We will be looking at finding missing lengths and converting units of measure so that the same unit is being used. In Science we have begun our science learning project - Who likes a fry up? Looking at changes of state (Solids, liquids and gases). We have begun with a big focus on investigations (see photos - rates of dissolving various types of sugars). In PE we have Judo and gymnastics this term. We are listening to readers 1:1 and checking book bands and range of reading. Don't forget about the reading jigsaws please. Our new PSHE focus this term is: Think Positive! Next week: home learning returns. Please do look out for parent meeting sign-up sheets at the school entrance. Also see our diary dates below. 

Pupil Voice: I am excited to start gymnastics in PE. 

I enjoyed doing the experiments in science this week.

I am looking forward to seeing which nails will galvanise faster in water / salt solution.

I have enjoyed learning about perimeter and area in maths. 

Silver Birch Spring Term 2024:

Term 3 diary dates:

INSET day Monday 8th January

Pupils return Tuesday 9th January 8:40am

Additional learning project weeks 1-4 with Mrs Lovegrove - textiles and the Vikings (sewing DT).  Postponed due to family matters. 

Parent meetings 23rd an 25th January 2024. 

Tuesday 7th February - class Viking Workshop Day £10 each - full day in school workshop.

Break up 3:20pm Friday 9th February.

Pupils return Monday 19th February for Term 4.

Term 4 diary dates:

Pupils return Monday 19th February

Whole-school writing week Monday 4th March

World Book Day - dress as your favourite scientist/ or a book character Thursday 7th March 2024.

Parents in to view writing in the hall 3:20pm Friday 8th March

Silver Birch to The Oratory - science week - all afternoon 12th March

Year 6 SATs parent and pupil meeting  Thursday 21st March 3pm. 

Wednesday 27th Easter Service in church tine TBC

Thursday 28th March - break up day 1pm finish.

Pupils return Monday 15th April 2024. 

Please see Silver Birch Class Information page for further diary dates and the spring term curriculum letter. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 2 Week 8 2023

  Our final week this term saw us conclude the text of Goodnight Mr Tom in our English lessons. We then very much enjoyed watching the film

In Maths we completed our unit on representing and interpreting data by looking at how to read and draw pie charts, as well as calculating the mean of any given data

Art lessons were rounded off by looking at the work of Andy Warhol and the pop art that he specialised in. We had great fun recreating our own pop art self portraits using block colours. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 2 week 7 2023

This week in English, we have been continuing our class read of Goodnight Mr Tom. We practised our knowledge of direct speech and applied the the punctuation rules to a writing a paragraph about a conversation between Willie and his mum, when he returns to London.  In Maths  we consolidated our knowledge of diameter and radius of circles and used this to calculate and answer reasoning and problem solving questions. We have then looked at how data can be represented in tables and pie charts, and  how we use them to interpret the given information. Our Learning Project lessons this week have focused on Art . We studied the works of the artist, Graham Sutherland, who was commissioned to paint the war damage and destruction caused by the bombs dropped on major cities during the Blitz. We then used secondary resources to create  a piece of replica art work using oil pastels. On Wednesday we enjoyed our WWII dress-up day with all of our arts and crafts, cracking codes and creating board games. Furthermore, we collectively made; strawberry jam, marmite and corned beef sandwiches, sausage rolls, short bread biscuits, boiled eggs and carrot buns to share with our parents as part of a 1940s tea. We loved dancing our WWII jive and singing 'Bless 'em All'. Thank you for coming to visit us and supporting your child with their costume. Next week: our annual Christmas Service in the church at 10am on Wednesday 20th, with an early break up of 1pm. Monday 8th January 2024 is an INSET day, followed by pupils returning on Tuesday 9th at 8:40am. 

Pupil Voice: I enjoyed doing the jive dance in front of our parents. 

I enjoyed creating a piece of replica art based on Graham Sutherland's destruction art style. 

I know how to handle something when it goes wrong in a dance. 

I am now officially making progress in football from our football tournament yesterday. 

I know now how to interpret a two-way table in maths. 

Enter text...

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 2 Week 6 2023

 We started our English lessons this week by writing a final draft of our letters to Prime Minister Chamberlain, about our reaction to the declaration of war. Following on from this, we then discussed VE Day and wrote an opening paragraph for a newspaper article.  In Maths we have continued working on line graphs, interpreting them and using them to solve reasoning and problem solving questions.  We have now begun learning about circles. Our Learning Project lessons concentrated on clothes worn during the 1930's and how they would have been adapted during the war due to rationing and a 'make do and mend' attitude. We loved designing an outfit for a woman or gentleman, and exploring styles, colours and patterns that would have been fashionable during that era. Continuing with our Art focus, we then looked at examples of propaganda posters and how they were used to communicate information to the people. We then designed our own posters and included persuasive slogans. We then moved onto mixed media - using fabric (up cycling instead of canvas) to create a pastel WWII search lights image. In Guided Reading, we continued reading our class book 'Friend or Foe' and enjoyed reading about when the two evacuees Tucky and David, arrive and are chosen by their host family. On Tuesday, the school got to watch the Oak Class nativity and were really impressed by their performance and talent. Next week: our WWII dress-up day is on Wednesday 13th. Please come dressed in your outfits from our trip to DRM,  earlier this term. Parents are invited into the hall for a 2:50pm start. We plan to delight you with our learning. You are welcome to come into the classroom afterwards to look through your child's workbooks. Thursday is the Y5/6 boys football tournament. Friday 15th is families end of term celebration worship at 9am in the hall. 

Pupil Voice: I enjoyed the little ones act their nativity.

I enjoyed learning about circles: circumference, centre point, radius and diameter in maths. 


Silver Birch Class Blog Term 2 Week 5 2023

This week we have been completing our autumn assessments in Maths, English and Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation.

Our Monday afternoon Learning Project lesson  was a little bit different to our usual ones as we put on our wellies and headed off to the church yard. Whilst there, we located the gravestone of William Temple, who died as a result of his injuries sustained in the D Day landings. We each took a photograph of his gravestone from different angles which we will later use in our IT lesson. After our short walk, we returned to school  to listen to a talk given by the Reverend Kevin. He gave us lots of insightful and interesting information about William Temple. We heard that he was in the parachute regiment and that he married a woman from Checkendon in 1941. In Maths, we have been working on common factors, inverse operations and order of operations: BODMAS. At the start of our English lessons, we listened to the famous speech by Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, declaring the outbreak of war. We stepped into the role of a mother, a solider, a factory worker or the wife of a soldier and then hot seated each other to answer questions about how we  felt and how the news would affect us. We then used these ideas to plan a letter that we would write to the Prime Minister about our reaction to the news. We then wrote the 1st draft of our formal letters to be edited and written up as a final draft next week. Our French lesson focused on consolidating our understanding of counting numbers 11-20. We practised our knowledge by solving Maths questions in French, as well as using a fortune teller to quiz our friends. In our IT learning project: Superimposing images - we used our digital photographs of the headstone and merged / edited a 2nd WW black and white image - we have experienced a little of what it might be to be a graphic designer. The children's complications were brilliant! Thank you for your support with the book fair. Last week we enjoyed a NewsRound that involved a magic trick (see photograph), we were all in awe. In Music, we continued singing our WWII songs, ready to perform to the parents on the 13th. We ended our week with continuing our jive dancing in PENext week: we look forward to watching the KS1 nativity. A polite reminder about the £3 donations towards food technology for the 13th. 

Pupil Voice: We have now finished our Judo PE lesson, but look forward to starting again in January. 

I can now use the word 'Christmas' in class.

I can now use a line graph in maths.

I enjoyed our additional PE / athletics lesson.

I enjoyed writing a formal letter to Prime Minister Chamberlain in English. 

I enjoyed superimposing old B&W images over new colour images in IT.

I enjoyed doing the calculations in French. 

I enjoyed watching the drama club perform in worship.

I am looking forward to trying to spot our class 'Elf on the Shelf' daily.

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 2 Week 4 2023

Continuing our work in English on evacuation, this week we used our previous knowledge of identifying the features of a diary, and included these in an empathetic diary entry . We imagined that we were writing through the eyes of Willie, from Goodnight Mr Tom, and how he felt to have arrived in the village of Weirwold and to be told he was to live with Tom Oakley. We included his thoughts and feelings. We then focused on figurative language and prepared examples such as similes. metaphors, personification and alliteration ready for an acrostic poem, which we wrote later in the week. In Guided Reading we continued to read Friend or Foe and (see photos), traced our evacuees journey from London to Exeter, and finally to Barnstable in Devon, using atlases. Alongside reading Friend or Foe, we are also now reading Goodnight Mr Tom, as part of our English texts. In our  Maths lessons we have continued to work on consolidating our skills of long division and applying our knowledge to answer reasoning questions. We have now moved onto factors. Our Learning Project lesson at the start of the week, involved a discussion around rationing. It was interesting to see how much people would have been allowed of the food that was in short supply, such as eggs, butter and meat. We realised that chocolate was a luxury and that fruit such as bananas were not available. We discovered that the government encouraged people to grow their own produce such as carrots and potatoes, and that people were quite inventive in cultivating gardens on top of their shelters , in parks and school grounds. We also looked at some WWII recipes that showed how people had to adapt or change the ingredients that were rationed.  On Wednesday, we all enjoyed our class trip to Didcot Railway Museum as part of our WWII learning project - What can we learn from a World War? It was a fabulous day - a big thank you to our parents for supporting their children with their 1940s costumes / outfits and appropriate lunch with some baked goods too. See our photographs below. In French, we learnt numbers between 11 and 20 and practised this new knowledge by solving a puzzle and starting to play a domino loop game. Mrs Mottram got to visit some ex-Checkendon pupils, new to Langtree, on Tuesday afternoon and it was a pleasure to see how well they had settled in. Next week: digital photographs at our churchyard, followed by a talk about our local area during WWII, by Revd. Kevin Davies. 

Pupil Voice: I enjoyed going into the WWII shelter at DRM.

I learned to find factor pairs.

I better understand how steam / diesel trains work.

I now know that the larger the train wheel, the faster it can move.

I enjoyed writing an acrostic poem about the war. 

I can now count from 12 - 20 in French. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 2 Week 3 2023

This week, we have continued to put ourselves in the shoes of an evacuee. In English, we have begun to explore the feelings and emotions of a child evacuated to the countryside by writing a letter home, explaining their new life away from the dangers of cities being bombed. We then began our new unit all based on the text: Goodnight Mr Tom. We looked at the front / back covers and discussed the text style, as well as introducing ourselves to the main characters, completing an analysis of a character using both text and film.  In Maths, we have been using the chunking and long division method to divide 3 digits numbers by 1 and 2 digit numbers. We have been  consolidating our previously learnt knowledge of multiples to help us. We then continued using two different methods of chunking and comparing them. Our  Learning  Project has been focused on exploring the differing roles of men and women before the war, and how these changed once war broke out. We discovered that women did not usually work before the war, but after it was declared they had the opportunity to fill the jobs of the men who were away fighting for their country. Some of these jobs included ambulance driver, factory worker and working on a farm as a land girl. We also found out that not all men went off to fight and that those excused included Air Raid Precaution Wardens and shop keepers.  We then looked at food rationing during WWII and how Potato Pete was used to promote the growing and eating of potatoes, as well as how well-known nursery rhymes were adapted to further promote the 'grow your own' message. In French, we used our previously learnt knowledge of numbers 1-12 to ask and reply to 'how old are you?' We also played a game with a partner where we had to say our age if we landed on a birthday cake. On Friday we dressed up in our home clothes and brought in donations towards Children in Need. Next week: we have our class trip to Didcot Railway Museum on Wednesday 22nd - please come dressed warmly for cold / wet weather in your WWII outfit with a WWII style packed lunch and water. Please carry this in a small backpack. From 1st to 9th December - please would you bring in £3 each so that I can purchase ingredients for our WWII dress-up day in school on 13th December - parents are invited to this at 2:50pm.  You should wear your same WWII costume / outfit on this day too. Don't forget about our annual book fair on Thursday 30th November and Friday 1st December, before and after school.

Pupil Voice:

I can now divide 3 digit numbers by a 2 digit number

I now know that children were evacuated to the countryside during World War II

I better understand how to use expanded long division. 

I enjoyed doing PEED in English

I am looking forward to practising the jive in our dance lesson

I  can now ask 'how old are you?' in French

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 2 Week 2 2023

What a super start to the week we had by continuing our Learning Project, looking at the effects that the Blitz had on our major cities. We discovered the devasting effect the bombing raids had on people's houses, but also explored how families could protect themselves by hiding in different shelters, including an Anderson and Morrison shelter, as well as being able to shelter in the London Underground. We found out how important it was for children to practise air raid and gas mask drills too. We then focused on writing either a poem, letter or diary entry about a real event that involved the bombing of Reading during the Blitz seen through the eyes of a young boy. In English we have been identifying the features of newspaper reports, then we planned a newspaper report to include some of them and wrote an article about the Blitz and then the evacuation of children from London. In Maths we have been working on multiplying a 4 digit number by a 2 digit number and applying this knowledge to develop strategies to answer problem solving and reasoning questions.  We then began our lessons on dividing numbers. IGuided Reading we have excitedly begun our new book Friend or Foe by the famous children's author Michael Morpurgo , which centres around two boys, who were evacuated from London and faced a terrible dilemma when they encountered a German soldier. In French we have continued practising and consolidating our knowledge and understanding of numbers 1-12. We even attempted some French maths as well as enjoying playing Bingo. In PE we continued with our second Jive Dance lesson, linked to 1940s WWII period. See photos below. We are really enjoying our jive and have been able to add some flourishes. We remembered the fallen in school on Friday as part of Memorial Day. Many of us will hopefully be coming to the PTA Bonfire night at school at 6pm tonight. Next week: .please return the permission slips / payment for our WWII trip to Didcot Railway Museum this week. Don't forget about our upcoming annual book fair at the end of November / start of December, before and after school in the school hall. 

Pupil Voice:

I can now do the jive.

I can now write a newspaper report with a headline, columns, indents, reported and direct speech.

I now know why it is important to be safe on bonfire night. 

I can now count from 1-12 in French.

I now know how to do a cold write (letter, diary entry or poem) about the Blitz for assessment, from a child's perspective. 

I now know how to do short, compact division with remainders using 1 and 2 digit divisors. 

I enjoyed our music lesson singing: Siegfried Line and Bless 'em all. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 2 Week 1 2023

We have had a fabulous start to the week as we excitedly began our new Learning Project about World War II. We considered what knowledge we already knew. then brainstormed questions for what we would like to find out and then discussed how and what we would use to answer them.  We then explored what life was like in the 1930's including clothing, food, sweets and children's entertainment, and compared the similarities and differences to today. In English we have consolidated our knowledge of the features of a diary, and then used these to write a diary entry using emotive language to describe how we might have felt on hearing the news of the outbreak of World War II.  We then identified the features of a report and included these in a police report outlining a tragic accident that took place on a  train station platform, as the soldiers embarked on their journey to fight for their country. We also researched the use of Gas Masks, the Black Out and Air Raid Shelters and prepared our own information leaflets - crucial information for the times. We ended the week by reading a recount of a Blitz experience and developed our empathy by asking and answering questions in pairs of different people in the recount (photograph below).  In Maths, we used our understanding of multiplying 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers to answer reasoning and problem solving questions. We have now begun to extend our knowledge by practising the grid and long multiplication methods to multiply 2 digits by 2 digits. We then revised 3 methods of multiplication: grid, column (with an added working row) and partitioning and used this to decide the most efficient method for multiplying 3 digit by 2 digit numbers. In French this week, we have begun work on learning numbers from 1 to 12. We used actions to help us to remember how to pronounce each number and also enjoyed watching a video clip of French children counting. By using the tune to a French song, Frere Jacques, we sung a song about numbers and performed a song sung in rounds. In music we began our WWII song unit with Mrs Davies. In PE we began learning the jive - a popular war time dance. Please look out for our class trip letter for 22.11.23.  On our very last day of Term 1, we enjoyed a talk from Diana Barnett, Greener Henley, who focused on wasps in our local environment. It was a very interesting talk. See photograph below. Our Y6 SVAs were ready to start the new term off by leading Friday worship (photograph below).  Next week we begin division in maths and a newspaper writing unit in English.  

Pupil Voice:

I am pleased that we have handed in our environmental poems for the Greener Henley competition next May.

I loved doing the wartime information leaflets.

I enjoyed using the long, column multiplication method.

I liked writing a police report.

We are looking forward to being able to dance the jive for our parents on the 13th December.

I loved starting our Judo lessons this week with Mr Hutton.

I had fun counting up to 12 in French. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 1 week 7 2023.

What a fabulous week we had last week. Our residential was amazing and we made memories that we won't forget. Please see photographs below.  In English we completed our Big Write on a persuasive diary entry about recycling, adding a glossary and illustrations to our writing. In Maths we have been multiplying and dividing 3/4 digit numbers by 10, 100 and 1000, and solving calculations using reasoning from known facts with numbers with 1 or 2 decimal places. In Science we complete our investigation on conditions for mould / bacteria growing on fresh produce. We have also had fun using a data branching system to categorise amphibians, and then consolidated our knowledge by having a go at making up our own data branching diagram using animals and plants. In French we drew on our knowledge of all the work we have studied on Greetings this term, and then played a Domino style loop game matching Greetings from English to French. We ended the term with a visit from Diana - Greener Henley who gave a fantastic talk on taking care of our local environment. 

Please remember that we break up on Thursday at 3:20pm. Children and teachers return to school on Monday 30th October at 8:40am for Early Morning Work. Next term our learning project focuses on World War - in particular WWII. We look forward to our class trip to Didcot Railway Museum on 22nd November - dress in WWII costumes and bringing along a WWII style packed lunch. We also have our WWII dress up day in school on 13th December - where we'll be preparing a 1940s tea. Parents are invited to join us for tea and a sharing of our work books in an open classroom at 2:50pm on the day. Please keep these dates in your diaries. 

Pupil Voice: I can now do the 'leap of faith' (residential).

I am now no longer scared of heights.

I enjoyed my residential.

I enjoyed doing abseiling.

I can now link pages in a Google Slides document.

I now know that if you leave some fruits and bread out in the open, they go mouldy in around 3 weeks. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 1 week 6 2023

This week in English we have begun work on writing a persuasive diary entry detailing the journey of a recyclable item such as a plastic or glass bottle, or an aluminium can. We read information from a text and identified the key features of a diary. We then used the internet and our research skills to gather information on the recycling process. Using a given framework, we completed a plan which we will use next week to write a first draft. 

In Maths, we been have working on dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000, answering questions on varied fluency, and then consolidating our knowledge by solving problems and answering reasoning questions.

In Science, we checked our decay investigation that we set up last week. We took photos and recorded the weight change as well as describing any observational changes. We also had fun identifying and classifying  different amphibians by using  the data branching system. 

In French, we further developed our vocabulary in French greetings by learning how to answer to  'What is my name?' and understood the correct address for Mr, Mrs and Miss. We then learnt a new song which incorporated all our of learning this term. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 1 Week 5 2023 

We had a fabulous Harvest service in church this week - thank you for all your donations. - the food goes to the Wallingford Food Bank and is dispersed to families in the surrounding area. Please remember our class residential next Wednesday  11th. Please arrive promptly at 8.15am for registration. We then depart to the coach for 8.25am to say our goodbyes to any waiting parents and leave at 8.30am. We return on Friday 13th by 3.45pm, traffic permitting. Please remember one backpack for the coach and one manageable bag to be stowed away. A packed lunch and a named water bottle will be needed for Wednesday. On the coach you made read, doodle, play small games with those seated next/neat to you.  The beginning of the week saw us editing our persuasive letters on an environmental issue in English and then peer assessing our work by using our individual targets. We then completed a detailed plan in preparation for designing and creating a flyer to persuade the reader to agree with our chosen issue.  We worked collaboratively with a partner and thought carefully about which  persuasive features we would include in our flyers. We then completed our persuasive environmental flyers  -  considering a local issue like dog fouling or graffiti. We completed the week by holding a class debate for and against the use of plastic bags. In Maths we have focused on using multi steps to calculate answers to problem solving and reasoning questions. We have also begun work on multiples with the Year 5 working on finding multiples of 2,3,5 and 10,  and the Year 6 on finding common multiples of 2,3,4,5 and 10 as well as LCM for well-known times tables (up to x 12 ) In our Learning Project , we have launched a new Science topic on Classification and Micro Organisms. Firstly we explored what classification and toxonomy meant, and discovered that animals and plants can be classified into 5 kingdoms ; Monera, Protactista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. We then worked with a partner to group a selection of pictures of organisms into the relevant categories according to their features. As some of the words were tricky, we worked collaboratively to create mnemonics to help secure the spelling of each word. We posed a question regarding the rate of decay on fresh produce -  what observational changes we notice, as well as weighing the item. In PE we played a mini - netball game. By singing a song and playing a game of Pelmanism in our French lesson this week,, we were able to consolidate our previously learnt knowledge of French greetings.  By using evidence in the text ,in our Guided Reading session,  we were able to draw a picture of the character Dr Kalmenius based on the description the author had used.

Next: on Thursday 19th October at 3pm ,we will have our short termly, celebration worship in the hall -  parents are welcome to attend 

We break up on Thursday 19th October as Friday 20th October is INSET. day for staff. 

Now to end with a pun: Where do bad rainbows go? To prism. It's a light sentence but it gives them time to reflect. 

Pupil Voice

I now know that in life you sometimes have to debate an issue that you personally don't agree with

In Maths, I enjoyed drawing the Carroll diagrams to sort multiples

I learnt how to play snap in French

I enjoyed holding  the debate in English today.

I learnt that in Science there are healthy and unhealthy bacteria

I can see how some fruits rot and grow mould.

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 1 Week 4 2023

It is that time of year again - the BBC 500 word story competition. If children would like to participate - then please do read all about it on the link (already shared with pupils in class): Scroll down to see the video explaining / sharing ideas. If you do enter (optional), please do bring your story in to school to share with your teacher, and the class if you feel comfortable. We'll also take a photocopy to display in class and send your original back home for you to enter yourself. 

This week's Learning Project began by imagining what it was like to be a child working down the coal mines during the Industrial Revolution. We began by researching information about work conditions, types of jobs and the dangers and health risks associated with these. Using our knowledge, we then wrote  ' A Day in the Life Of ..' in the format of a diary. We then concluded our learning project by playing a 'global warming' emitters and cleansers game and drew a diagram and wrote an explanation. Finally we completed our 3 sticky facts to end our Go Green learning project. In English we have been identifying the key features of persuasive texts and have used these to create a poster to persuade people to recycle. We then looked at various persuasive texts, identified the key features, planned and wrote a persuasive letter about an issue close to our hearts and selected an audience e.g. teenagers and vaping.  Maths began by focusing on negative numbers. We practised  placing these on number lines and also used these to help calculate the difference between negative numbers. We learnt a song in French called 'Salut Ca Va?' This helped us to consolidate new vocabulary on Greetings and in particular how to ask how a person is and how to respond. We enjoyed playing a dice game which gave us the opportunity to practise our French conversation skills acquired over the past 2 lessons. In PE / Netball we looked at intercepting and had some expert peer coaching on goal shooting from our four children who attend after school netball club. Next week: Our final swimming lesson so please remember those life saving skills and pack a short or long sleeved T. Shirt and short or long bottoms, for the test. We also have our Harvest Service in church (all families welcome) at 2:30pm on 4th October - food donations gratefully accepted. 

Pupil Voice:

I now know how to write a diary entry as a child from the Victorian era.

I now understand what it might have been like to have been a Victorian child.

I enjoyed using the inverse method to solve multi-step problems in maths.

I now know how to intercept in netball.

I now have a French earwig. 

I can now write an explanation text about global warming. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 1 Week 3 2023

A great start to the week with lots of positive learning! In Maths we have been using various strategies to subtract large numbers, including counting on, decomposition and compact methods. We then went on to solving subtractions using mental methods as well as subtraction / find the difference in word (shopping) problems. In English, we have started to research and deepen our knowledge of our chosen environmental issue, using skills such as skim reading and scanning the text, picking out key relevant points, collating our information into note form and presenting it an organised layout. We then converted our research into a poetry plan, wrote a first draft, self and peer edited it before writing our final draft as a Big Write - assessment. Our Learning Project lessons have been focused on further developing our skills at using 6 figure grid references to locate places on a map. This was then followed by looking at natural resource distribution around the world (Gold, silver, diamonds, coal etc.). In PE we continued with netball and swimming. We held our parent and pupil information meeting about our upcoming class residential from 11th - 13th October. Please see the PDF / PPT, sample menu and kit list on the Silver Birch Class Information page - scroll down. French lessons have given us the opportunity to practise French greetings through role play.. We also learnt the importance of etiquette when greeting a person and making sure we used the appropriate formal or informal greeting in the correct situation. Next week: we are going to attend a class cross-country race with other local primary schools on Thursday 19th, so our Greener Henley visitor will now come and talk to us about our local environment on Thursday 19th November. Don't forget about our parent meetings on Tuesday 26th and Thursday 28th September 2023. 

Pupil Voice:

I now understand how to round, + or - and then adjust in maths.

I now know how to write a 'voice' poem about an environmental issue. 

I can now use different ways to greet people in French.

I really enjoyed diving to the floor of the swimming pool to collect a rubber brick, as well as swimming 5m underwater. 

I now know how to properly use an atlas. 

I have learnt a new drill in netball. 

I am excited for our class residential.

I now know how to plan, edit my plan, write a 1st draft, self and peer edit and then write a final version using my targets. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 1 Week 2 2023

What a super start to the week with fabulous learning taking place! In Maths we have been sharpening our skills  at rounding numbers up to 1,000,000. We then moved on to expanded column addition, as well as adding 3 or 4 numbers (5 digits) together with accuracy using a variety of mental strategies such as; doubles, near doubles, number bonds and adding from the largest to smallest numbers in a column. We are excited to get started on our new Learning Project - Go Green, all about how we can make a difference to our planet. We recapped our learning in Y2 about 2 grid references; Y4 about 4 grid references ;and moved onto end of KS2 - 6 grid reference points to locate exact positions on a map.  During our English lessons, we have launched our Poetry unit, looking specifically at those poems written about Our Green Planet. By exploring different features, we are understanding how a poet can use language, in particular figurative language, to create imagery and effect.  In our Guided Reading sessions, we have begun reading our new book by the famous author , Phillip Pullman, entitled Clockwork or All Wound Up.  In French we brainstormed any knowledge that we already knew about the country itself and have learnt some instructions that Miss Lloyd, will be using throughout our French learning. In PE we have enjoyed our 2nd swimming lesson and in netball we can use the; bounce pass, chest pass, shoulder pass and overhead pass. Next week: we will write a structured poem. In maths we will recap subtracting large numbers and in our learning project - we will look at map symbols. Our parent and pupil residential talk has been postponed from the 20th - a new date will be announced ASAP, please keep an eye out on your email. 

Pupil Voice

I can now plan a structured poem.

I enjoyed learning the 4 netball passes.

I now know what an overhead netball pass is. 

In maths I enjoyed using the expanded method to add 5 digit numbers together. 

Silver Birch Class Blog Term 1 week 1 2023

Welcome back - we are very excited to start our new school Year. Miss Lloyd will be teaching Mondays-Tuesdays and Mrs Mottram Wednesdays-Fridays. Swimming started this week, for 5 weeks. Judo will then begin in Term 2 on Thursday mornings. Please see the Silver Birch Class Information page for the autumn term curriculum letter, as well as a copy of the parent information PPT.

Here are the important diary dates:

Term 1 diary dates

    •  Return to school for pupils - Monday 5th September.

    • Class swimming starts Thursday 7th for 5 weeks.
    • Parent information meeting / welcome Friday 15th 8:50am (PPT attached).
    • Parent and pupil residential meeting Wednesday 20th 8:50am. 
    • Langtree School have their open evening on Thursday 21st September 5.30 - 8pm.
    • Gillots School have their open evening on Thursday 28th September 6-8.15pm

    • Parent meetings Tuesday 26th September Mrs Lloyd (online / in person).
    • Parent meetings Thursday 28th September Mrs Mottram (online / in person).
    • Silver Birch cross country event at Langtree 1-3:30pm. 
    • Harvest Festival Service on Wednesday 4th October at 2:30 families all welcome - at church. 
    • Class residential Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th October 2023. 
    • Henley environment group talk about our local habitat 2-3pm 19.10.23. to our class. 
    • Break up day Thursday 19th October 3:20pm, staff INSET Friday 20th. 
  • Term 2 diary dates
  • Pupil new term starts Monday 30th October 2023 8:40am. 
  • Class WWII trip to Didcot Railway Museum 22.11.23. in WWII dress-up clothing & lunch please. 
  • Anti-bullying week Monday 13th November 2023.
  • Annual Christmas book fair in the hall 8:40am and 3:20pm on Thursday 30th November and Friday 1st December 2023.  
  • WWII dress-up day, parents to visit classrooms for afternoon tea 2:50pm 13th December.
  • Whole school church service Wednesday 20th time TBC.
  • Break up day 1pm Wednesday 20th December. 
  • Monday 8th January INSET day, pupils return Tuesday 9th.

Pupil Voice:

I enjoyed returning to school. 

I can now tell someone else what a Growth Mindset is. 

I enjoyed playing the golden number game in maths using a dice. 

I can now write a recount about what I did in the summer holidays. 

I enjoyed an easy starting week back to school.