Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Respect, integrity, courage, compassion and hope

Willow Class Blog 2024/2025

We began the week with a visit from PCSO Haynes. In our session, we focussed on equality and the similarities and differences between us all.  

In English, we continued our work on our class text 'Stone Age Boy'.  We focused on adverbials of time (such as ' as dusk fell) and adverbials of place (such as 'next to the cave.)  We used these to write a letter home as if we were the central character in the text describing our adventures in the Stone Age.  In our maths this week, we practised placing numbers on number lines up to 1000 and, for a challenge, 10,000.  We also practised counting in steps of 50 and 25.  Our science began with an introduction to the three main types of natural rock - igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.  We used the power of chocolate to help us remember how these different rock types were formed!  We continued our history by learning about cave art; thinking about how we can use it to help us find out about the Stone Age and the materials used.  We then worked in pairs to create our own fantastic versions.


Term 1 Week 1

Welcome (back) to Willow Class!   I have been so impressed with how everyone has settled back to school and has been so quick to learn the class routines.  We have jumped straight in to our topic 'The Sensational Stone Age'.  We thought about where the Stone Age fits on a timeline and explored what Stone Age people used to survive against threats.  We also started reading our class book, 'Stone Age Boy'. In PSHE, we thought about our school rules and how important it is for us to work as a team. We created a beautiful class display (see below) to illustrate this.  When the sun shone on Wednesday afternoon, we enjoyed some fun PE games outside.

Next week, we look forward to a visit from PC Ben and our first Forest School session on Monday.