Oak Class Blog 2024/2025
Term 1 Week 5
This week we have thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Windsor!
We have also been thinking about harvest. In English we began looking at instructions and their features. We followed instructions to make scarecrows and baked apples then had a go at writing our own.
Next week we will be investigating waterproof and non-waterproof materials in science and writing a recount of our visit in English.
Term 1 Week 5 - Windsor Castle Trip
We had the best day at Windsor Castle! The children behaved beautifully, the sun shone and we all enjoyed our 'Meet the Monarch' workshop.
Term 1 Week 4
This week in English we have been using time adverbials (first, next, then), adjectives and prepositions to retell the story of Into the Castle. In maths we have been comparing numbers and calculations using < > and =.
In science we have begun investigating everyday materials. We looked at lots of different objects around the school and then looked at the fabric of the school building itself, taking rubbings of the different materials we found. We also worked in pairs to identify what some of the everyday items in our classroom are made from.
In music with Mrs Davies the children have been using percussion instruments to create their own rhythms and beats.
Next week we will begin to think about harvest, write instructions in English and go to visit Windsor Castle.
Term 1 Week 3
This week in our learning project we have designed heraldic shields, and learnt more about the coronation of King Charles III in preparation for our upcoming visit to Windsor Castle. In English we have read Into the Castle looking at the use of prepositions and adjectives before writing some fantastic sentences. In Maths we have explored more/less than and played ball games in PE. The children are all settling into the routines of school and working so hard! Well done Oak Class for a great week.
Next week we will be writing stories in English and beginning our science learning project.
Term 1 Week 2
On Monday we welcomed PCSO Haynes to Oak class, she talked to the children about the different roles of the police and how they can help us. She then shared a story about PC Ben.
We have been learning about King Charles III this week, using the iPads to carry out research with partners. We also created our own mixed media collages of the King's head and designed a crown for him to wear.
On Friday we held our school council elections. Each candidate delivered a speech before the class, I was very impressed with the thought and effort each child had put into their ideas and their confident delivery. Following the speeches every child in Oak class was asked to vote. Mrs Hillier will be announcing the results next week!
Next week we will be continuing our learning about castles and King Charles.
Term 1 - Week 1
It has been lovely to welcome all the children back to Oak Class this week. We have created some bright and colourful art work to brighten up the classroom, enjoyed exploring castles and started our maths learning about place value.
Next week we will be welcoming PC Ben on Monday, reading 'Into the Castle' in English and continuing our Learning Project to find out more about castles and the people who lived in them.