Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Respect, integrity, courage, compassion and hope


Our Governing Body consists of twelve people, and has been constituted to represent a cross-section of the community.  They each share a commitment to oversee the development of the school, both materially and academically, whilst retaining all that is best of traditional village school life. In addition to the Rector and other Foundation Governors (four appointed by the Parochial Church Council and two by the Diocese of Oxford), there is an elected representative of the staff, two elected parents, a representative for the Local Authority, and the Headteacher.  These twelve individuals bring together a wide range of expertise, skills and knowledge. 

The Governing Body is responsible for the development and successful implementation of the School Development Plan, which includes a shared vision for the school and our strategic planning for the short and medium term.  In addition, it oversees immediate issues such as the management of school expenditure, recruitment, the obligations of the National Curriculum and the upkeep of the school buildings and grounds.  The day-to-day running of the school is, however, the responsibility of our Headteacher and her staff.

The Governing Body meets six times a year to consider a wide range of issues and to discuss and to authorise the recommendations of its various committees.

Parents are encouraged to discuss any general concerns, to offer suggestions and to discuss matters of personal interest with any of the currently serving Governors.  All academic queries and those relating to individual behaviour should first be discussed with the class teacher.

All governors are required to declare any material interests which could potentially conflict with their governor role.  This would include relevant business interests, governorship of other schools and relationships with this school's staff.  No current governors have made any declarations of interest. 


 Checkendon FGB attendance 2023-24.pdfDownload
 Governor website information Jan25.pdfDownload
 Governor website information Sep24.pdfDownload
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 Checkendon governor attendance 2022-23.pdfDownload
 Governor website information Nov23.pdfDownload
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 Checkendon governing body 2022-23.pdfDownload
 Checkendon governor attendance 2021-22.pdfDownload
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