Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Respect, integrity, courage, compassion and hope

Welcome to Willow Class 2023 -2024

Willow Class is the home of pupils in Year 3 and 4 and is always buzzing with interesting activities. We love PE and we have these lessons together - taught by sports specialists twice weekly. Our daily maths lessons (we use White Rose, and Classroom Secrets) and phonics and spelling lessons (we use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds and No Nonsense Spelling) are in small groups. We do lots of writing, not just in English lessons but in other subjects too. We are enthusiastic researchers in our history and geography lessons. We love singing and we especially enjoy our music lessons with music specialist Mrs Davies. Our classroom has lots of things to help us learn: a class library with comfy cushions; lots of banded reading books, dictionaries and atlases; practical resources for maths; a trolley of laptops and all kinds of art and DT materials. We are a great team who enjoy having fun and learning together!

Teachers: Mrs Lunn

Teaching Assistant: Miss Gomm 

Term 6 - Roots, Shoots and Fruits

We have athletics on a Wednesday and Judo on a Thursday.  Please bring PE kits in on a Monday and leave them in school all week.

Forest School is on a Monday afternoon.

Children will need to bring their reading book and red reading record in each day.

Please see the curriculum letter below, which outlines the learning for this term.

 Summer Term Timetable.docDownload
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Curriculum Newsletters

 Parent Information Meeting.pptxDownload
 Parent Information Term 1 Autumn 2023.pdfDownload
 Parent Information Term 2.pdfDownload
 Parent Information Term 3 Spring 2024.pdfDownload
 Parent Information Term 4 Spring 2024.pdfDownload
 Parent Information Term 5 Summer 2024.pdfDownload
 Parent Information Term 6 Summer 2024.pdfDownload
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Home Learning



Home learning should take about 20 minutes a day

English home learning will be set on a Monday and collected in on a Thursday.

Maths home learning will be set on a Thursday and collected in on a Monday.


Read chapter on Purple Mash 



Re-read Purple Mash chapter 

Complete spelling and grammar questions in red home learning book



Read a book of your choice

Writing task in red book, linked to Purple Mash chapter


Read a book of your choice

Maths consolidation/revision task 




Children need to know all of their times tables up to 12x12 by the end of Year 4. Attached below is a copy of a 12 x 12 grid for you to download if it would be helpful. There are many good, free websites for children to play mental arithmetic games on, for example:

If you would like some tips on how to support your child with homework,

 is a good place to start - or pop into school and ask. 

 Times Table Ideas.pptxDownload
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Children should read every day, and it is still important, even if they are able to read by themselves, that they still read to an adult, or are read to by an adult. We would appreciate you having 'book talk' discussions with your child in order to develop their enjoyment of reading and their comprehension and word skills. You may find these links useful in guiding you on reading for pleasure and supporting your child at home: or .

Below are some question stems to assist you with this (Vipers KS2). If you are looking for suitable books then this website may be helpful:

 VIPERS Stems - Question Stems Pack (1).pdfDownload
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Please see below useful resources for supporting your child with their writing.

 end-of-year-4-ex-writing-assessment-grid (1).pdfDownload
 SPaG Glossary.pdfDownload
 Year 1 and 2 statutory spellings.pdfDownload
 Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings.pdfDownload
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